Breakfast Club Prebooked Unbooked
7.30am - 9.00am £5.00 £5.00

Price includes breakfast

After School Club
School Pick up - 6.00pm £9.35 £10.00

Price includes collection from after school clubs and all snacks, drinks and tea

Holiday Club Members Non-Members
7.30am - 6.00pm Daily Weekly Daily Weekly
    1 day in week £25.50 £25.50 £28.50 £28.50
    2 days in week £25.00 £50.00 £28.00 £56.00
    3 days in week £24.50 £73.50 £27.50 £82.50
    4 days in week £24.00 £96.00 £27.00 £108.00
    5 days in week £23.50 £117.50* £26.50 £132.50*

All prices per day and includes all snacks, drinks and meals (breakfast, lunch & tea provided)
* Full week discount £115 (Members) £130 (Non-Members).
Members are those who have regular Breakfast/After-School Club bookings.