Starting School and Settling in
When starting school your child will be doing half days to begin with. We know that some parents find this a very difficult time as it is not always possible to get time off work to collect your child at lunch time and keep them for half a day at home. We therefore, where ever possible, help you out by collecting your child and taking them to the Parish Hall to play before all of the other children arrive. This is a nice way to settle them in as they are not walking into a Hall full of other children, rather they are already there enjoying themselves and playing when the older children arrive.

If the Parish Hall is not available to us until school time then we will take the children out to a play area or to the park if the weather is good and have lots of fun until it is school pick up time.

Collection from School
As we collect from many different school, which all finish at similar times, we have a systems where by staff are dropped at each of the schools ready for when the children finish. The minibus then travels round to each of the schools to collect both staff and children and take them to the Parish Hall. This means that the children are with the Ferry Link Club staff from the moment they finish school and are never left waiting for someone to collect them.

After School Clubs
At the Ferry Link Club we understand that children will want to take part in clubs run at their own schools and we are happy to collect from these clubs. We simply ask that you provide us with details of which day the club is on and what time the club finishes. Where we have a few clubs finishing at the same time we may ask that you speak to your school and explain the situation to check if we are able to collect your child a few minutes after the clubs finish time, this way we don’t ever have to say ‘no’ to any of the children wanting to partake in after school activities.